Sunday, May 19, 2013

Earth Song by Micheal Jackson

This is a song of love - a song for humanity.  We need to listen to this song and let it move us to the point where we stand up together and demand change.

Michael Jackson, may he rest in peace, was a pure soul.  He was the personification of love.  One of the few true artists of our time.  The world is a better place because of the gifts that he shared with us.  He was truly a remarkable man.

When he was alive people laughed at him and ridiculed him.   His pure soul was damaged by an ignorant and cruel world but yet he managed to overcome his pain and shortcomings and contribute to this world in a way few can ever even dream of.  He was truly an inspiration.  Having the courage to face his persecutors must have been very difficult for him, his success should prove to us all - follow your heart and your dreams will come true.  Be brave, be strong and be yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Love this video. MOTHER NATURE will PREVAIL. M.J. is the GREATEST.
