Showing posts with label pollution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pollution. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Climate Change - Why it Matters to get Involved

Climate change - you hear about it everywhere these days. No matter where you live, no matter what you do for a living and no matter how rich or poor you are - the climate is changing and you will be affected.  When it comes to the topic of climate change - those are the thing that I know for certain.

What is climate change?  What does that mean, really?  That seems to depend on who you ask.  Some say the earth is warming too much and the consequences will be catastrophic.  Some people say that that is a gross exaggeration.  Some say, people are the cause for the planet's warming - all the pollution we are putting in the air is warming the planet - others say it's just nature running it's course.  Some say we can stop it, reverse it or slow it down while others say this is just part of the planetary cycle and we must adapt.

I think the truth is somewhere in there - but to me that's not what matters.  What matters is what people, government and corporations are doing about it.  That's why we need to get involved, we need to be aware, we need to stay informed.

If climate change is caused by nature and is inevitable, then all we can do is adapt. So let's start adapting and stop wasting time, money and resources on looking at "other" causes. If climate change is caused by humans, then we need to address that immediately and correct our ways.  Either way, whether it's natural causes or caused by man - we can't just continue to abuse our planet and ignore the consequences.  If climate change doesn't get us - the pollution and contamination will.


I think we first we need to get real and be honest about the cause, milking this for profit is one of the problems I see - find the truth and stop creating controversy.  I cannot understand or believe the level of controversy out there on this subject - science and facts don't lie.

We all share this planet.  Since I can remember, I've noticed that some people, some governments and some corporations think they can do what they want with our natural resources.  It seems that for some the mighty dollar is more important than the air they breathe.  They build factories that pollute the air that we all breathe, mostly in the name of greed.

We only have one planet, we all need to care about how our resources are managed because we are all affected.  

We all need to get involved because it's time to find solutions.  The more people who are working towards positive changes, the more positive changes will come.

Over the weekend, people rallied together in the streets and the people's voices were heard: Take care of our planet - it's the only one we have!

And that's why climate change matters to me.